

Studio Righini has been cooperating with Ver.fid Srl ever since its foundation.  Ver.fid Srl provides both corporate-type services (e.g. trust registration of shareholdings, Mandate for purchase of shareholdings, Mandates for purchase of assets in general, Family Agreements) and family-type services (e.g. TRUSTS, Life insurance policies, Mandates for purchase of assets in general, trust registration of current accounts, government securities and holograph will).
Studio Righini has been a member and a founder of the JPA International network since 1988.  This is a worldwide network of business advisors, chartered accountants and auditors whose goal is to ensure international services to a wide range of Clients. The Firm, thanks to JPA International, is able to assist its Clients in their internationalization process and  to support them in their activities abroad. JPA International is member of IFAC.
Studio Righini is member of ACB Academics & Consultants for Business a network of leading Independent Firms of Chartered Accountants and Lawyers headquartered in Italy.  ACBGroup, with a team of 500 professionals coming from 41 associated firms, perfectly combines and meets multiple and complex corporate requirements by setting up, when required, the most appropriate and qualified team with the right mix of skills, capable of giving a customized response to the company.
Studio Righini is a partner and referent in Milan and Verona of TaxKredit Srl, the Professional Network which is an integral part of the EkoBonus "digital platform", capable of guiding, regulating, controlling and making the entire process more efficient, in the general interest of the country and the supply chain. production affected by the Superbonus 110%. TaxKredit is qualified as a technical advisor by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti for the technical, legal and tax checks in preparation for the acquisition of tax credits.
Studio Righini is member of ACB Valutazioni, a Team includes twelve accounting practices spread throughout Italy and an organization specialized in analysis, modelling and research managed by Prof. Mauro Bini - Full Professor of Corporate Finance at Bocconi University - with a mission to provide clients with robust business valuation, to inform their judgement around critical or unreversible decisions.
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