Business Internationalization

Studio Righini supports the Client  from taxation, financial and organizational perspectives, during the process of internationalization by providing the necessary tools to pursue the objective directly  or with the collaboration of the international network of which is co-founder JPA INTERNATIONAL.
The expertise, the network and the experience are at the service of the client in the following activities:
  • Advice and assistance in business internationalization and delocalization;
  • Assistance in international growth initiatives and in incorporation of companies abroad, relocation abroad and structuring of transnational groups.
  • Drawing up of feasibility plans, cross-border growth initiatives and incorporation of companies abroad.
  • Assistance in group relationships with foreign subsidiaries/parent companies and group control.
Although JPA International is present in over 80 different Countries and consequently the client’s assistance is guaranteed almost all around the world, Studio Righini has decided to better focus its attention to certain Countries with a “bilateral relationship” approach, which ensure a constant presence and a better preparation.

The “Bilateral relationship” are in this Countrie:
  • SAUDI ARABIA: Studio Righini is present with one of his partners in Jeddah, who is the reference person for middle east operations.
Reference partner Alberto Righini
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