Tax Defense

Studio Righini provides tax defense assistance to companies, corporate groups and individuals.  This assistance consists both of legal activities (before Tax Commissions and the Court of Cassation) and of out-of-court activities (drawing up of ruling petitions, assistance in refund proceedings and in tax assessments with settlement and self-defense before the Internal Revenue Offices).

Some of the activities constantly provided by the department Professionals are:
  • Assistance to persons subject to inspections and audits by the bodies of the Tax Authorities.
  • Advice in the early stage of litigation, prior assessment of the risks and benefits of litigation institution with special attention to any reversal and penalty effects – management of relationships with tax offices and preparation of deeds for settlement of pending tax debts or other deeds for mitigating litigation and self-defense proceedings.
  • Representation before tax commissions during litigation and settlement stages and subsequent stages of tax credit recovery.
Studio Righini, where necessary, avails itself of front-ranking Italian academic partnerships.
Reference partner Monica Secco


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