Jacques Potdevin is on the Board of Trustees of I.V.S.C, International Valuation Standards Council


Jacques Potdevin is on the Board of Trustees of I.V.S.C, International Valuation Standards Council
Jacques Potdevin, founder e presidente of JPA International, participates as a new member of the board of directors of the I.V.S.C. - International Valuation Standards Council.

The International Valuation Standards Council, based in the United States, has its operational headquarters in England in London, and aims to issue standards in terms of evaluation and this in the general public interest in order in particular to make the connection with international standards in accounting matters.

The organisation's office of “oversight” trustees aims to ensure that standards are set for best professional practices for appraisers and to harmonize various professional practices. Jacques Potdevin will be in particular in charge of developing relations with the European Evaluation Institutes to promote collaboration with the International Valuation Standards Council.

Pubblicazioni/Eventi Directory:  Business internationalization

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