JPA International Committee


JPA International Committee
Il prossimo International Committee si terrà dal 24 al 26 ottobre a Parigi (Francia).
Il ricco programma prevede

24 ottobre 2019

New Members in the Network : Europe - Africa - America - Asia
Development of the Network : Europe - Middle East - Asia – America

VAT - quick fixes 01.01.2020 (with recent updates) by Klaus Fiebich (Austria)
Updates on Brexit by Viraj Mehta (United Kingdom)
New Information regarding the Register of Effective Beneficiaries (REB) by Nicole Florange (Luxembourg)
General presentation of the Swedish tax system by Martin Persson (Sweden)
General presentation of the tax system in Qatar by Nader Abou Zahra (Qatar)
Open discussion: Aspects of the tax profession in the JPA countries (e.g. benchmarks, ethical standards, etc.) by Hans Ronneberger (Germany)

25 ottobre 2019
Presentation of New members (Mexico, Qatar, Uzbekistan)
Debriefing: CFI, Tax club, Board
General Assembly of Jpa International
Executive Committees: Opportunities of development for JPA International Platforms.
Intervention of Jeff Slavet (USA) (Video conference)
Executive Committees: Opportunities of development for JPA International Platforms.
- Americas (North, Central and South)
- Europe  

Pubblicazioni/Eventi Directory:  Eventi Internazionalizzazione d’Impresa

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